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RAP Session Submissions

The National Hurricane Conference provides an educational platform for community leaders, at all levels, to showcase their ideas and best practices leading up to, during, and post hurricane response. NHC hosts over 100 workshops and training sessions, as well as RAP sessions. We invite you to help us “design” our RAP sessions.  The deadline for submissions is March 3, 2023.

An opportunity for conference delegates in the same profession to meet and discuss matters of mutual interest in their field, e.g., emergency managers talking about emergency management issues. Points of discussion might include:
  • hurricane experiences of the past season — the worst problems faced, strategies that worked best
  • new ideas or approaches
  • model programs in place
  • Each session will be facilitated by a Topic Committee representative whose main job will be to encourage questions and discussion by the audience.
  • To get the ball rolling, we recommend that the facilitators open with a discussion of a major problem or event they faced in the past hurricane season … or a major challenge the profession faces in the upcoming season.  Opening comments should not last longer than 5 minutes each.
  • The whole idea is to promote an interchange of ideas by your fellow professionals.
  • Rap Sessions are not designed to be presentations by multiple speakers with extensive a/v. A good Rap Session should consist of audience discussion guided by a facilitator.

Suggest a Question or Topic for RAP Session

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