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  • Conference Purpose

    The primary goal of the National Hurricane Conference is to improve hurricane preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation in order to save lives and property in the United States and the tropical islands of the Caribbean and Pacific. In addition, the conference serves as a national forum for federal, state and local officials to exchange ideas and recommend new policies to improve Emergency Management. Read More

  • Who Should Attend

    The National Hurricane Conference is the nation’s forum for education and professional training in hurricane and disaster preparedness. With an average of 2,500 attendees from around the country, the conference covers all major aspects of hurricane preparedness, response and recovery, which will provide your company with a unique opportunity to show your wares to a large audience of interested decision-makers. Read More

  • Register Today

    THREE FULL DAYS of workshops and training sessions on a wide range of topics for Hurricane Responders.
    A full day of general session speakers including many of the nation's top experts in hurricane related issues.
    EMI and FEMA Certificate Training courses and rap sessions.

Featured Sponsors

Conference Wi-Fi Sponsorship
Conference Cocktail Reception Sponsorship Tues. 5:30pm-6:30pm
Conference Tervis Sponsorship & Coffee Break Sponsorship Wed. 10:00am-10:30am
Conference Badge & Lanyard Sponsorship
Conference Mobile App Sponsorship
Conference Audio & Visual Sponsorship
Luncheon Sponsorship
Upgraded Coffee Break Sponsorship Tues. 10:00am-10:30am