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Student Involvement

Student Registration:

Student Pricing: $50.00 for Full Conference

The National Hurricane Conference is proud to offer a discounted rate to our Student Attendees. The Planning and Topic Committees want to encourage the involvement of young academics to help them advance and flourish in their future careers. There will be a Student Involvement Session Monday, April 14 at TBD, after the General Session. This session’s purpose is to prepare each Student Attendee on how to best navigate the conference throughout the week. To register as a Student, you will be required to upload your student ID through this LINK.


2025 Poster Sessions:

As part of the conference program, the National Hurricane Conference (NHC) is offering the opportunity for students to present their original academic research on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm during the Welcome Reception. Those currently enrolled in institutions of higher education or those academics focused on emergency management related topics are encouraged to submit a poster abstract for the Annual NHC in April. Presenting a poster at the conference is a unique opportunity for you to share emergency management knowledge and expertise with student peers, conference participants and emergency management professionals while in a more relaxed environment. Posters will be displayed throughout the week in front of the Exhibit Hall.

New Research Workshop Sessions:

In addition to the poster presentation, the NHC is offering the opportunity for 5 of the selected Student Attendees to present their academic research as part of a New Research Workshop Session during the regular conference hours. Presentations must focus on the original research represented in their posters, and the topic must be related to the field of emergency management. Presenters should construct a short PowerPoint presentation that includes the research methodology and data sources used for the project. Participants will have 10-15 minutes to demonstrate their findings. Following the presentation, an opportunity will be provided to discuss their topic with a panel of emergency management stakeholders.


Students will find the Full Guidelines and Requirements for the Poster Presentations HERE.

To submit your Abstract please visit HERE and select ‘Poster Session’ as the topic.

Student Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer at the NHC to attend for FREE! The conference is offering several volunteer opportunities for 2025. Opportunities include:

  • Attending and summarizing workshop sessions to be posted on the NHC website and Facebook pages.
  • Facebook Takeover – One to several students will have access to the NHC and Student NHC pages for the day to post about their day at the National Hurricane Conference. Tell us about the sessions you attend, connections you make, any and all things Emergency Management.
  • Facebook Content – Students will document special moments, ask other attendees about their experience, etc., to be used in future social media posts after the conference.

Students will receive a Certificate of Attendance, and students that present a Poster or New Research Workshop will also receive a Certificate of Presentation.